"What remains", could be the question of the silkscreen print by Robin Rhode. The manifestation of gesture- the pouring of wine into a wine glass- sprawls here through mediallayers. As in many of his socially critical works, in this work Rhode starts with a charcoal draft, which is then extended into a space by using props and live action. first the photography of a wine bottle and the drawing of two glasses dominate the sheet. only the wine stains on paper give us an idea of the last step of the performance, pouring wine into drawn wine glasses. the gesture seems to sway between blatant spillage and extravagant casting. Questions that address the traces of social gestures and their permanance in media, fictitious and real spaces become relevant.
@klosterfelde_editioninstagram. 2021. Shiraz. [instagram]. 2 July. [O]. Available: https//www.instagram.com/p/CQ1DTNiFsRP/