Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
For my final idea I chose to work with the SDG (goal 16) promoting peace, justice and strong institutions. My aim was to create a piece confronting the injustices and corruption present in South Africa. To translate this message, I looked at South African signifiers like the following: I was intrigued by the Secretary Bird on our national emblem. The Secretary Bird symbolizes protection and victory and represents the country’s values. It also symbolises family bonds, pride and decisiveness. Secretary Birds are incredible snake hunters. Snakes in a biblical context (relating to the prayer phrase I took out of the national anthem) symbolises evil and betrayal. Therefore, in the context of my artwork, it symbolises the corruption and injustices happening in the South African government. The Blue Crane feather added on the Secretary Bird’s head relates to how Zulu warriors and chiefs wear the Blue Crane feather on their headdresses, believing that it shows bravery, for they have high respects toward the Blue Crane bird. The Blue Crane bird also represents grace, suggesting that a leader must also rule with grace the way Albert Luthuli tried to. The phrase: “O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso,Setjhaba sa South Afrika”, is from the South African national anthem and translates to “Protect us, protect our nation, Our nation South Africa”.
In this artwork a proud Secretary Bird with wings spread is portrayed in a battle with 3 snakes trying to overpower it. The Secretary Bird (symbolising protection and victory) representing the ideal leader, the leader we need; while the snakes represent the corruption amongst the leaders we have. The Artwork has a “propaganda” or “recruitment” feel to it, especially because of the phrase, from the national anthem, asking for protection. The black banners at the top and bottom further promote the propaganda poster feel. The artwork has a patriotic message, requesting for the salvation of our land and government: “It is time to face the Secretary Bird”.