Fragile (Avoidance 3 of 8)

I have a real knack for sabotaging myself at crucial times. My body sends me signals, my loved ones tell me to slow down and take it easier, but I ignore and avoid it all and push through it when something needs to be achieved. It usually ends up in me crying and someone picking me up from a ‘heap on the floor’. The five cervical bones are in an awkward, heap arrangement in the bottom of the resin cube, that embodies the heap of a fragile mess I find myself in. I push myself to the brink because I want to be normal. 

  • Mieke Lagendyk
  • Fragile (Avoidance 3 of 8)
  • 2020
  • Five purple 3D printed vertebra bones forming part of the cervical column
  • 12 x 12 x 12 centimeters
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