Delty, divinity, equality

Goal 5: Gender equality

The birth of my concept came from goal 5: Gender equality derived from the 17 interlocked Sustainable Development Goals which later I delved deeper into the different types of equality in general to create my artwork whilst still retaining gender equality as my focal point. As a South African Indian woman, I wanted to incorporate my own culture and religion into this specific art piece of leadership and specifically gender equality. South African Indians played a huge role in the fight to abolish apartheid alongside historical heroes such as Albert Luthuli and Madiba some of which were Ahmed Kathrada, Rahima Moosa and Amina Cachalia.

I wanted to represent my culture in a way which demonstrated unity and harmony between man and women. In the Hindi culture men and women have always been equal in our praying history as we are represented by various gods and goddesses who have different uses but of the same importance. One God that comes to mind is Lord Shiva who is known as the destroyer of all evil and his purpose was to destroy and re- create a world with no problems. I drew inspiration from him and created my own mythological god who is depicted as half male and half female to represent equal power and control over all things. My figure stands tall and proud on a blooming protea flower and sports a beautiful gender- neutral Ndebele patterned pants which subtly suggest equality. The head of my figure represents a lotus flower which in the Indian culture symbolizes equality and balance in the environment and has been traditionally used throughout our history. I created my protea to float on the water as water symbolized harmony and unity which interlines to my concept of balance and equality. Around my god/goddess its figure is enthralled around by seven circles which were cut in a simplistic manner almost Pictionary like to demonstrate the different types of equality such as political, educational, gender, health and medical, water and sanitation, economic and food security equality.

The purpose of my god was to represent a figure which creates balance and hope in this world who equals all things among humans as equally distributed in every aspect of life and to create a world which is fit for every human soul to live peaceful and comfortably in a world regardless of gender, race, and social status.

  • Kayura Pillay
  • Delty, divinity, equality
  • 2021
  • Linocut on Fabriano
  • 1/3
  • Sheet Size: 70 x 50 centimeters - Image Size: 45,7 x 29 centimeters
  • ZAR 300.00 ~
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