This artwork is the second work making up the Metamorphosis series. This series is comprised of both decorated and undecorated rocks which are placed alongside treasured items from my childhood used to set scenes when playing make-believe.
A House in Topsy-turvy Town (2020) is a site-specific installation, placed in what was my bedroom in my childhood home. The piece was assembled through prioritising the differences in tone and colour used within each separate room of the house. This obvious contrast between each room which is made up of different art objects and natural materials creates the appearance of the installation being in flux.
The dollhouse becomes representative of my middle childhood, a period of change and transition, a confusing time where I was torn between wanting to imagine fictional scenarios and societal norms. The undecorated rocks are placed amongst the painted rocks, which seem at home within this charming staged scenes, creating a juxtaposition which was very much felt at this period within my life.
In this way, the undecorated rocks are representative of the desire to nurture my own creativity during a time when I was taught that play was no longer a socially acceptable escapist method.
Once again, the decorated rocks within this series are representative of me within my current time and place, the therapeutic process of creating these unique entities allowing me to adapt and modify the rituals which allow me to rediscover an appropriate method of holding onto my child-like imagination.