(b. 1984)
1984 Born
in Harbin, C hina
2007 BA, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
20 10 MA, S
aint-Petersburg Herzen S tate University, S aint-Petersburg, Russia
20 14 PhD,
C entral Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, C hina
2018– Media Lab, MIT, C ambridge, Massachusetts, US
S elected S olo Exhibitions
20 16 EXPO Projects, EXPO CHICAGO 2016, Chicago,
Ri, K WS Art Lounge Newcomer, Einbeck, Germany
20 15 Ren Ri: Goslarer Kaiserring–Stipendium 2015
(Kaiserring Award for Young Artists), Mönchehaus
Museum Goslar, Germany
New Positions, Art Cologne 2015,
Cologne, Germany
Ri: Yuansu Projects, Pearl Lam Galleries (Hong Kong SOHO inaugural show), Hong
Kong, China
S elected Group Exhibitions
2020 Accidents [Part I], Pearl Lam
Galleries, Hong K ong, C hina
20 19 Quasi-Nature: Bio-Art, Borderline and
Laboratory, Hyundai Motorstudio, Beijing, C hina
AI: More than Human (Mediated
Matter Group), Barbican C entre, London, UK
20 18 ANIMALS: Art, Science, Nature, Society, C
ity University of Hong K ong Exhibition Gallery, Hong K ong,
C hina
Work Part II: Material, The C ob Gallery, London, UK
20 17 Cross
Pollination, 516 Arts, Albuquerque, USA
Power to the Bees, Hå Gamle
Prestegard Museum, Nærbø, Norway
Condition, Pearl Lam Galleries, Singapore
Microcosm/Macrocosm, Pearl Lam
Galleries Hong Kong SOHO, Hong Kong, China
Quotidian, Pearl Lam Galleries,
Shanghai, China
20 16 Design
Behind Design, La Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy
Materialized Sentiments, Pearl
Lam Galleries, S hanghai, C hina
20 14 Fusion
Convergence, T-Museum, Hangzhou, C hina
Study Exhibition, CAFA Museum, Beijing, China
20 12 Bonsai
Nursery PICCIN, Earth Experimental Art Exhibition, Milan, Italy
Fame Di Terra, Amy-D Arte S pazio,
Milan, Italy
6th Arte Laguna, Venice, Italy
2007 Carve
& New Media, Zero Field, 798 Art District, Beijing, China
20 18 The
Politics of Bees—Ren Ri's Portrait, Best Documentary Award at the Pyongyang
International Film Festival 20 18, by Michele Di S alle, produced by
Hullabaloop & Limited Music Trade
20 15 K aiserring Award (annual grant awarded
to young artist with potential), Mönchehaus Museum, Goslar, Germany
20 13 Ph.D.
National S cholarship Award, China
20 12 Finalist,
6th Arte Laguna Prize, Venice, Italy for “The Origin of Geometry series, No. 2
0 1 C hina”
20 10 Award
of Excellence, Young Artists Exhibition, S t. Petersburg, Russia for “Goddess”
2007 S
tate-funded full scholarship award for MA of national public art projects in
20 16 Ren Ri, K erber Art Publications, Germany/
Evolution of Chinese Modern Sculpture: from 1994 to
2012, Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House, China
“Yuansu: My Object-C reating Vision”, Art Panorama, 2015
20 11 “Interactive Creation: The S tudy of ‘Third
Party’ Intervention in Artistic C reation”, Art Panorama, 2011