Ren Ri

Ren Ri (b. 1984, Harbin, China) studied Fine Art at Tsinghua University before receiving his master’s degree at Saint-Petersburg Herzen State University in Russia. He has a PhD in Fine Art from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Ren Ri has won and been nominated for several international awards and contests in the arts. 

Ren Ri is an interdisciplinary research-based artist. His focuses include biology, science, mechanics, engineering, and art. To manipulate natural processes the artist must find a balance cooperating with nature to accomplish his artistic goals.  Recognisable for his use of beeswax, Ri’s mesmerising sculptures are a by-product of the artists specialist understanding of bee psychology, with the works representing a symbiotic collaboration between Ri and insects. He studies the self-organizing structure of eusocial insects, exploring the relationships between human beings, bees, and nature, and constructing a co-interface language through a brand-new artistic form.

1984 -
Nationality: Beijing
Residence: Beijing
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